Admissions Enquiries: 01752 771 789

Inspection Reports

2024 Inspection report

In our March 2024 ISI Inspection King’s School and Nursery met every Standard and achieved an Outstanding in all areas for our Nursery.

Summary of main findings:
  • The overall effectiveness of the quality of the Early Years Foundation Stage in the registered early years provision is Outstanding.

  • Schools have either “met” or “not met” the ISSRs (Independent School Standards and Regulations). Where they are not met, action points are given for immediate action. King’s School and Nursery have met all ISSR’s and have no action points.

  • All schools must receive “recommendations” which are at the end of the summary of Inspection findings.

2019 Inspection report

This inspection was carried out between 25th and 26th September 2019. The inspection was a regulatory compliance inspection and King’s was judged to meet the standards in all areas of the regulations.

The Early Years and Foundation Stage was inspected at the same time, as the new OFSTED framework, in September 2019. King’s Nursery was judged to be outstanding in all areas of our provision.

Summary of main findings:
  • “Children make rapid progress from their starting points. They separate easily from their parents, engage in activities readily and are well prepared for their transition to the next stage of education.”

  • “Staff show that they have an excellent understanding of how children learn at this age. They plan exciting activities to give children experiences which develop their learning. Detailed planning shows that staff have high expectations of what each child can achieve in relation to their age and stage of development.”

  • “Children demonstrate excellent behaviour and show great respect for one another, often helping each other to fetch things or joining in applause to celebrate each other’s success. Staff remind them gently how to share things and play in a cooperative manner.”

  • “Leaders and mangers have a very clear vision for the setting. They consistently monitor the standards of care and regularly scrutinise the curriculum to ensure that high standards are maintained.”

Highly effective care practices support the children’s emotional security and development of their character so that children feel extremely happy and safe.

 – ISI Report, 2019

2009 Inspection Report

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Kings School Plymouth

Admissions:01752 771 789