Helping children reach their personal best
We offer support and guidance to both our pupils and their parents. We are passionate about ensuring the children are happy and confident whilst they are at King’s School and Nursery and that they move on to secondary schools with an excellent skill set.
Our aim is for all children to achieve their personal best; for most children this can be achieved with our excellent class teaching. A small group of children, however, may need additional intervention. This may involve small group work or 1:1 lessons for a few terms to address an acute difficulty.
For others, the issues may require longer-term support, and we ensure continuity between year groups for these children and liaise with secondary schools to enable a smooth transfer into Year 7.
Our learning and support approach
King’s School is committed to ensuring there is a positive ethos in the school, where the emphasis is placed on the good rather than the negative aspects of behaviour. We believe that if children are praised and rewarded for the positive things they do such as showing sensible behaviour, courtesy, self-control and a caring attitude, it will serve to promote these aspects of behaviour within the school.
We enable each pupil to fulfil their own potential, both academically and socially. Each pupil has access to personal, vocational and academic guidance and support where necessary. We provide opportunities and encourage pupils to exercise individual and social responsibility.